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Book Chapters

5.    V. Raghunathan, E.O. Potma, “Coherent nonlinear microscopy with phase shaped beams,” Understanding Biophotonics: Fundamentals, Advances and Applications, Ed. K. Tsia,  Pan Stanford Publication (2015).

4.    V. Raghunathan,  H. Kim, S. Stranick, E.O. Potma, “Coherent Raman scattering with alternate beam profiles,”  Coherent Raman scattering microscopy, Eds. J-X Cheng and X.S. Xie, Taylor and Francis  Books Inc. (2011).

3.    V. Raghunathan, S. Fathpour, B. Jalali, “Mid-wave infrared silicon photonics for high power and biomedical applications,” Silicon photonics for telecommunications and biomedicine, Eds. S. Fathpour and B. Jalali,  CRC press (2011).

2.    B. Jalali, D. Dimitropoulos, V. Raghunathan, S. Fathpour, “Raman-based Silicon Photonics,” Silicon Photonics, Ed. G. Reed, Wiley Series, (2007).

1.    B. Jalali, R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, V. Raghunathan, “Light generation, amplification, and wavelength conversion via Stimulated Raman scattering in Silicon microstructures,” Silicon Photonics, L. Pavesi and D.J. Lockwood, Springer, Topics in applied physics vol. 94 (2004).

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