Advanced Photonics and Microscopy Laboratory

Conference Papers
2016 onwards:
30. Krishna AL, Mere V, Selvaraja SK, Raghunathan V. Angle Tolerant Mid-Infrared Notch Filters using Two-Dimensional Amorphous Germanium High Index Contrast Sub-Wavelength Gratings. In2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2020 May 10 (pp. 1-2). IEEE.
29. Menon S, Dandu M, Deka J, Majumdar K, Raghunathan V. Third-harmonic Generation from Multilayer Graphene on Silicon Nitride Guided Mode Resonance Structures. InCLEO: Applications and Technology 2020 May 10 (pp. JTh2E-13). Optical Society of America.
28. Deka J, Dandu M, AS LK, Menon S, Jyothsna KM, Majumdar K, Raghunathan V. Silicon-on-insulator based high-index contrast gratings for resonant enhancement of second harmonic generation from two-dimensional material. InMetamaterials XII 2020 Apr 1 (Vol. 11344, p. 113441Y). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
27. Menon S, Prosad A, Biswas R, Raghunathan V. Silicon nitride based guided mode resonance structures for enhancement of nonlinear optical effects. InNanophotonics VIII 2020 Apr 1 (Vol. 11345, p. 113451J). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
26. Ahmad F, Nagaraju SR, Jyothsna KM, Biswas R, Raghunathan V. Lens design-based optimization of path loss in a high data-rate indoor visible light communication link. InFree-Space Laser Communications XXXII 2020 Mar 2 (Vol. 11272, p. 1127218). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
25. Gali S, Raghunathan V, Selvaraja SK. Silicon nitride waveguide platform for on-chip spectroscopy at visible and NIR wavelengths. InIntegrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXIV 2020 Feb 25 (Vol. 11283, p. 112831I). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
24. Biswas R, Dandu M, Jha KK, Menon S, Jyothsna KM, Majumdar K, Raghunathan V. Layer-dependent third-harmonic generation in multi-layer SnSe2. In2D Photonic Materials and Devices III 2020 Feb 18 (Vol. 11282, p. 112820R). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
23. Sathisha RN, Jha V, Ahmad F, Raghunathan V. Demonstration of High Data-rate Multimedia Streaming in a Laser-based Indoor Visible Light Communication System. In2020 International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS) 2020 Jan 7 (pp. 614-617). IEEE.
22. Gali S, Raghunathan V, Selvaraja SK. Visible Wavelength Photonic Integrated Circuit in Silicon Nitride Platform for On-Chip Sensing Applications. In2019 Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP) 2019 Dec 13 (pp. 1-3). IEEE.
21. Jyothsna KM, Kim H, Raghunathan V. Sub-diffraction resolution of periodic grating structures in a focus engineered sum frequency generation microscope. In2019 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN) 2019 Jul 28 (pp. 74-75). IEEE.
20. Biswas R, Dandu M, Prosad A, Menon S, Majumdar K, Raghunathan V. Observation of second harmonic generation from multilayer Tin diselenide. In2019 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN) 2019 Jul 28 (pp. 30-31). IEEE.
19. Jha KK, Sarkar P, Biswas R, Bhat R, Raghunathan V. A spatiotemporal analysis using second harmonic generation reveals enhancement of type I collagen polymerization by dermatan sulfate glycosaminoglycans. InEuropean Conference on Biomedical Optics 2019 Jun 23 (p. 11076_53). Optical Society of America.
18. Biswas R, Deka J, Jha KK, Vishnu PA, Krishna AL, Raghunathan V. Four-wave mixing microscopy of resonant silicon-on-insulator two-dimensional zero contrast gratings. InCLEO: Science and Innovations 2019 May 5 (pp. JW2A-37). Optical Society of America.
17. Menon S, AS LK, Gupta MS, Ameen E, Pesala B, Raghunathan V. Silicon-nitride-based medium-contrast gratings for resonant fluorescence enhancement in the visible wavelength range. InHigh Contrast Metastructures VIII 2019 Mar 4 (Vol. 10928, p. 1092818). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
16. V. Raghunathan, "Resonant nonlinear optics with silicon meta-structures," IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics, Bangalore (2018). Invited
15. A.S. Lal Krishna, S. Menon and V. Raghunathan, "Transmit and Reflect Arrays on Amorphous Silicon for Beam Steering at 1550 nm wavelength range," Photonics 2018 conference, New Delhi (2018)
14. F. Ahmad, A. Mishra, R. Biswas, B. Phanidhar and V. Raghunathan, "Laser-Based Indoor VLC System: Comparison of Different Remote Phosphors," Photonics 2018 conference, New Delhi (2018)
13. J. Deka and V. Raghunathan, "Design of 2D HCG structures for resonant enhancement of SHG from monolayer WSe2," Photonics 2018 conference, New Delhi (2018)
12. R. Biswas and V. Raghunathan, "Determination of Two-photon induced free-carrier lifetime of Silicon wafer using Intensity scan," Photonics 2018 conference, New Delhi (2018)
11. R. Sharma and V. Raghunathan, "Design of vertical interlayer couplers for heterogeneously integrated silicon photonic waveguide," Photonics 2018 conference, New Delhi (2018)
10. R. Sharma and V. Raghunathan, "Study of Broadband Mid-Infrared Super-continuum generation in amorphous silicon on silicon nitride ridge waveguides", Photonics 2018 conference, New Delhi (2018)
9. K. K. Jha, R. Biswas, A. S. L. Krishna, J. Deka, S. Menon and V. Raghunathan, "Intensity and Spatial Dependence of Saturation Effects in Resonant Third Harmonic Generation from Amorphous Silicon Nanodisk Arrays," 2018 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Reston, VA (2018).
8. J. K. Deka, K. K. Jha, A. S. Sruti Menon Lal Krishna, and V. Raghunathan, "Resonant Third Harmonic Generation Microscopy of Amorphous-silicon Sub-wavelength Nanostructures," in CLEO Pacific Rim Conference 2018, OSA Technica
7. R.K. Ramakrishnan, V. Raghunathan, S. Talabattula, "Single- and multidimensional integrated optic photon sources for quantum communication", Proc. SPIE 10674, Quantum Technologies 2018, 106741J (21 May 2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2307428.
6. M. V. N. Surendra Gupta, Ameen E., S. Menon, Lal Krishna A. S., V. Raghunathan, B. Pesala, "High contrast grating based intrinsic fluorescence enhancing substrates for water contamination detection", Proc. SPIE 10542, High Contrast Metastructures VII, 1054214 (21 February 2018); doi: 10.1117/12.2289741.
5. S. Menon, A.S. Lal Krishna, S. Ghosh and V. Raghunathan, “Extraction of Complex Refractive Index of Thin Films Using UV/VIS/NIR And FTIR Transmission Spectra Measurements,” National Laser Symposium-26, BARC, Mumbai, India (2017).
4. R. Sharma and V. Raghunathan, “Comparison of channel and ridge waveguides for broadband backend compatible silicon photonics,” International Conference on Advances in Optics and Photonics (XLI Conference of Optical Society of India), Hisar, India (2017).
3. V. Raghunathan and S. Ghosh, “Soliton-induced pulse compression and spectral broadening in silicon waveguides the presence of Two-photon absorption,” Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIERS), Singapore (2017).
2. V. Raghunathan, "Bond-specific imaging of collagen using Vibrationally resonant sum frequency generation microscopy," in 13th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper W4B.3. Invited
1. V. Raghunathan, "Light field microscopy of stained tissue slides," in 13th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper Tu3B.3.
Pre-IISc - 2003-2016:
32. V. Raghunathan, I. McAlexander, Y. Beregovski, C. Hoke, “Targeted infrared spectral imaging using quantum cascade lasers,” Agilent Technology conference, San Francisco (2013).
31. V. Raghunathan, H. Yang, N-H. Ge, E.O. Potma, “High speed vibrational sum frequency generation microscopy,” SPIE Photonics west San Francisco, CA (2012).
30. V. Raghunathan, A.E. Nikolaenko, E.O. Potma, “Complex nonlinear focal field imaging with heterodyne four-wave mixing microscopy,” Frontiers in optics, San Jose, CA (2011).
29. V. Raghunathan, E.O. Potma, “Sub-diffraction focal volume partitioning in CARS microscopy,” Micro-CARS symposium, Goteborg, Sweden (2010).29. V. Raghunathan, D. Borlaug, R. Rice, B. Jalali, “Mid-infrared silicon Raman amplifier,” Advanced solid-state photonics, Nara, Japan (2008).
28. V. Raghunathan, D. Borlaug, R. Rice, B. Jalali, “Demonstration of a Mid-infrared silicon Raman amplifier,” Group IV Photonics, Tokyo, Japan (2007).
27. V. Raghunathan, H. Renner, R. Rice, B. Jalali, “A multi-mode silicon Raman amplifier” Conference on lasers and electro-optics (CLEO), Baltimore, MD (2007).27. V. Raghunathan, R. Rice, B. Jalali, “A self-imaging silicon waveguide Raman amplifier,” Advanced solid-state photonics, Vancouver, BC (2007).
26. B. Jalali, V. Raghunathan, R. Rice, “Multimode mid infrared Silicon Raman amplifiers,” Material research society Fall meeting, Boston, MA (2006).
25. V. Raghunathan, R.K. Shori, O.M. Stafsudd, B. Jalali, “Nonlinear absorption in Silicon at mid infrared wavelengths,” Group IV Photonics, Ottawa, ON (2006).
24. R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, V. Raghunathan, S. Fathpour, B. Jusserand, and B. Jalali, “Si/Ge platform for lasers, amplifiers, and nonlinear optical devices based on the Raman effect,” SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA (2007). Invited.
23. M. Krause, H. Renner, E. Brinkmeyer, S. Fathpour, D. Dimitropoulos, V. Raghunathan, and B. Jalali, “Efficient Raman amplification in cladding-pumped silicon waveguides,” Group IV Photonics, Paper #P6, Ottawa, ON, Canada (2006).
22. V. Raghunathan, B. Jalali, “Stress-induced phase matching in Silicon waveguides,” Proceedings of Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO), Long Beach (2006).
21. B. Jalali, V. Raghunathan, R. Shori, O.M. Stafsudd, “Mid infrared Silicon Raman lasers,” IPRA Nanophotonics topical meeting, Uncasville, CT (2006) Invited.
20. B. Jalali, V. Raghunathan, R. Shori, O.M. Stafsudd, “Proposal for mid-infrared Silicon Raman lasers,” Material research society, Spring meeting, San Francisco (2006) Invited.
19. B. Jalali, V. Raghunathan, R. Shori, O.M. Stafsudd, “Proposal for mid-infrared Silicon Raman lasers,” American Physical Society, March meeting, Baltimore (2006) Invited.
18. B. Jalali, V. Raghunathan, D. Dimitropoulos, O. Boyraz, “Silicon and GeSi Raman lasers,” Photonics west, San Jose (2006) Invited.
17. O. Boyraz, V. Raghunathan, D. Dimitropoulos, P. Koonath, T. Indukuri, B. Jalali, “Silicon and GeSi Raman lasers and amplifiers,” Lasers and Electro-optics society (LEOS) conference, Sydney (2005) Invited.
16. V. Raghunathan, R. Claps, O. Boyraz, P. Koonath, D. Dimitropoulos, B. Jalali, “Raman amplification and lasing in SiGe-on-insulator waveguides,” IEEE SOI Conference, Waikiki, Hawaii (2005).
15. V. Raghunathan, R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, B. Jalali, “Dispersion properties of scaled Silicon waveguide,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics Europe (CLEO Europe), Munich (2005).
14. V. Raghunathan, O. Boyraz, B. Jalali, “20dB on-off Raman amplification in Silicon waveguides,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO), Baltimore (2005).
13. B. Jalali, O. Boyraz, D. Dimitropoulos, V. Raghunathan, “Si Raman Laser,” Integrated Photonic Research (IPR) conference, Baltimore (2005) Invited.
12. B. Jalali, O. Boyraz, D. Dimitropoulos, V. Raghunathan, “Scaling laws of nonlinear Silicon Nanophotonics,” SPIE West, San Jose (2005) Invited.
11. V. Raghunathan, D. Dimitropoulos, R. Claps, B. Jalali, “Wavelength conversion in Scaled Silicon waveguides,” Lasers and Electro-optics society (LEOS) conference, Puerto Rico (2004).
10. V. Raghunathan, D. Dimitropoulos, R. Claps, B. Jalali, “Wavelength conversion in Silicon waveguides using Parametric Raman coupling,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO), San Francisco (2004).
9. B. Jalali, V. Raghunathan, O. Boyraz, R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, “Wavelength conversion and light amplification in Silicon waveguides,” Group IV Photonics conference, Hong Kong (2004) Invited.
8. B. Jalali, V. Raghunathan, R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, “Wavelength conversion in Silicon,” World Multi-conference in Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI), Orlando (2004) Invited.
7. B. Jalali, V. Raghunathan, R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, “Wavelength conversion using parametric Raman scattering in Silicon microstructures,” SPIE Europe, Strasbourg (2004).
6. L. Sirleto, V. Raghunathan, A. Rossi, B. Jalali, “Raman emission in porous Silicon at 1.54µm,” SPIE Europe, Strasbourg (2004).
5. D. Dimitropoulos, V. Raghunathan, R. Claps, B. Jalali, “Phase matching in Silicon waveguides,” Integrated Photonics research (IPR) conference, San Francisco (2004).
4. O. Boyraz, P. Koonath, V. Raghunathan, B. Jalali, “All optical switching via XPM in Silicon waveguides,” Lasers and Electro-optics society (LEOS) conference, Puerto Rico (2004).
3. B. Jalali, R. Claps, P. Koonath, V. Raghunathan, D. Dimitropoulos, T. Indukuri, “Light generation, amplification, wavelength conversion and 3-D photonic integration in Silicon waveguides,” Electrochemical society (ECS) conference, Honolulu (2004) Invited.
2. R. Claps, V. Raghunathan, D. Dimitropoulos, B. Jalali, “Raman emission in Silicon: Prospects for a Silicon Raman amplifier and Laser,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO), Baltimore (2003).
1. R. Claps, D. Dimitropoulos, V. Raghunathan, B. Jalali, “Observation of Stimulated Raman amplification in Silicon waveguides,” Lasers and Electro-optic Society (LEOS) Conference, Tucson (2003).